7th EULiST “Fridays for Research” event on “Digital Trust and Cybersecurity”

The 7th EULiST “Fridays for Research” event on “Digital Trust and Cybersecurity” will be held as a joint online meeting on Friday, 14th February, 12:00 – 15:00 CET.

More specifically, representatives from the EULiST member universities will deliver concise 5-minute presentations on the following topics:

  1. Data Privacy and Protection. GDPR and NIS2 Compliance. Data Encryption. Data Breach Prevention
    2. Identity and Access Management (IAM). Biometrics
    3. Cybersecurity Governance and Risk Management
    4. Threat Detection and Prevention. Threat Intelligence. Endpoint Security
    5. Blockchain and Trust. Secure Transactions
    6. Cloud Security
    7. Cybersecurity Awareness, Education, Gamification, and ECSF framework integration. Behavioral Security
    8. Regulatory and Legal Compliance. Cybersecurity Regulations. Cyber Insurance. Ethical Hacking.
    9. Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in Cybersecurity
    10. Cryptography and Zero Trust Architecture (ZTA)
    11. Internet of Things (IoT) Security and Data privacy
    12. Digital Forensics and Cyber incidents
    13. Post-quantum Cryptography Transition, Implementation, and Security Evaluation
    14. Privacy-Enhancing Technologies (PETs)
    15. Diversity and Inclusion in Cybersecurity

This will be followed by a 10-minute discussion, fostering further research collaborations.

The session will conclude with a summary of key outcomes and a presentation of the future steps.

Participants may connect using the following link: https://centralntua.webex.com/centralntua/j.php?MTID=ma2cc6e04bb9035df0ae600363614a712

For more information regarding the event, contact Pavlačková Zdeňka pavlackova@vutbr.cz,  

Download the Event Poster


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