“One Year of EULiST” Anniversary Event

The National Technical University of Athens (NTUA) hosted an anniversary event titled “One Year of EULiST” on November 28, 2024, marking one year since the launch of the European University Alliance EULiST project. The event took place in the Event Hall of the Administration Building at the Zografou Campus, with the participation of Deans and representatives from all NTUA Schools, as well as numerous members of the NTUA community. Dr. E. Tsouparopoulou, the representative of the Hellenic State Scholarship Foundation (IKY) in charge of European University Alliances, also attended the event.

The workshop commenced with opening remarks delivered by the Vice Rector for Academic Affairs and Lifelong Learning of NTUA and Co-chair of the EULiST Management Board, Prof. Ath. Zisis, and the Vice Rector for Academic, International Affairs, and Outreach of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (NKUA), Prof. S. Papaioannou. Prof. Zisis emphasized the importance of internationalization and EULiST’s contribution to this strategic goal of NTUA. The Vice Rector, S. Papaioannou, referred, among other topics, to the network of Greek Higher Education Institutions within European University Alliances, established in June 2024 through the initiative of NTUA and NKUA, and stressed the need for stable European and national financial support.

Following these speeches, presentations were delivered by Vice Rector Prof. Ath. Zisis, and two scientific coordinators of the project, Prof. Emer. K. Adam, Coordinator of EULiST NTUA Team, and Prof. S. Karellas, Chair of WP4 Research and Innovation. They presented the opportunities created by the EULiST Alliance for NTUA and reviewed the educational and research activities completed during the funded project’s first year.

This was followed by presentations from Prof. E. Dimopoulou, Chair of Task 2.1 Digital Campus, who highlighted the innovative aspects of creating a “EULiST Digital Campus”—the core of academic activities and digital governance—and from PhDc K.M. Giannakopoulou, a member of the EULiST Student Board, who emphasized the student-centered character of EULiST.

An open discussion followed, highlighting NTUA’s pivotal role as a partner in the EULiST alliance, the added value of its participation, and the specific initiatives and opportunities in Education, Research, and Outreach. These include seamless access to information in an interoperable manner through the EULiST Digital Campus. NTUA’s participation in this strategic alliance enhances the quality of the academic environment while boosting the institution’s international visibility and recognition. Aligned with the vision of connecting society and technology, the aim is to leverage the knowledge and innovation generated within EULiST to promote the sustainable development of the local community.

Detailed Event Program

Photos from the Event

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