TU Wien Doctoral School Workshops open for EULiST early career researchers


Topic: Communication Skills;

Title: Make Yourself Heard: The Power of Presence in Presentations *English*            

Dates: 03. OCT & 04. OCT 2024

WHEN: 09:00 to 17:00

WHERE: Vortragsraum Bibliothek, Resselgasse 4, 1040 Vienna, 5. Floor

ON-SITE: 1 available place for all EULiST Partners (Registration until 1. September 2024 by e-mail to: ioanna.giouroudi@tuwien.ac.at)

FREE: Participation, Coffee Breaks & Lunch

NOT COVERED: Other expenses (Travel, accommodation etc.)

Description: When you’re speaking in front of people do you capture and hold their attention? Do you instill confidence by what you say and how you say it? In an environment where It is becoming ever more important to convey trustworthiness, competence, and authenticity, presence training has become an essential tool in professional development.

This two-day workshop is designed to help academic professionals align their body language with their purpose and intentions in the present moment in order to create an effective and powerful presence.

It is designed to reach the target aims through meaningful practice, individual and group activities, theater exercises, other exercises informed by Amy Cuddy’s work on presence.

In order to apply the principles taught in a pragmatic way, all participants are required to
have a 2-3 minute self-presentation prepared and ready to use.

Trainer: Francesca Carlin

Francesca Carlin is an American communication trainer and personal coach. For over a decade she has helped professionals improve their public speaking, develop their presence, and apply the practice of mindful communication. She has worked in Russia and the U.S. and is currently working in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland. Francesca is a trained actress and studied theater at Boston and Harvard University. Over the years she has found that using acting techniques and exercises helps people to overcome personal barriers and to become more effective communicators. With her background in the performing arts. She has created a unique approach to her workshops and trainings, in which she incorporates and implements the best practices from both the world of communication skills development and theater.


Topic: Communication Skills;

Title: Scientific Writing Workshop *English*

Dates: 20. NOV & 22. NOV 2024

WHEN: 10:00 to 17:00

WHERE: Vortragsraum Bibliothek, Resselgasse 4, 1040 Vienna, 5. Floor

ON-SITE: 4 available places for all EULiST Partners (Registration until 1. September 2024 by e-mail to: ioanna.giouroudi@tuwien.ac.at)

FREE: Participation, Coffee Breaks & Lunch

NOT COVERED: Other expenses (Travel, accommodation etc.)

Description: This two-day Workshop is designed to develop your writing skills and develop confidence in writing for scientific journals.  Focus will be given on how to create your manuscript outline, how to structure your paper and the information that belongs into each section of a paper. You will be given insight on how to communicate your research results in an understandable and conclusive manner. Furthermore, the writing style as well as the manuscript preparation for submission will be discussed. Finally, you will be introduced into the concepts of Research Data Management as well as Scientific Conduct and Research Integrity.

In order to apply the principles taught in a pragmatic way, all participants are required to
prepare an Abstract and Introduction of a (fictitious) paper after the end of the 1st Workshop Day. These assignments will then be discussed on the 2nd Workshop Day.

Trainer: Prof. Wilfred G. van der Wiel 

Wilfred G. van der Wiel (Gouda, 1975) is full professor of Nanoelectronics and director of the BRAINS Center for Brain-Inspired Nano Systems at the University of Twente, The Netherlands. He holds a second professorship at the Institute of Physics of the University of Münster, Germany. His research focuses on unconventional electronics for efficient information processing. Van der Wiel is a pioneer in Material Learning at the nanoscale, realizing computational functionality and artificial intelligence in designless nanomaterial substrates through principles analogous to Machine Learning. He is author of more than 125 journal articles receiving over 8,500 citations.

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