EULiST Governing and Management Boards Elect New Chairs and Co-Chairs

On Thursday, May 23rd, 2024, during the annual 2024 EULiST General Assembly at Brno University of Technology (BUT) in the vibrant city of Brno, two of the most significant decision-making bodies of EULiST, the Governing Board and the Management Board, elected their new chair and co-chair. These newly elected leaders assumed their roles in May 2024, with their term set to last for two years.

The Governing Board elected Prof. Ladislav Janíček, Rector at Brno University of Technology (BUT), as chair and Prof. Juha-Matti Saksa, Rector at Lappeenranta-Lahti University of Technology  (LUT), as co-chair. Prof. Ladislav Janíček succeeded Prof. Volker Epping, while Prof. Saksa took over from Prof. Andreas Boudouvis. The elections took place in a closed meeting exclusively for Governing Board members.

The Management Board elected Pablo Tomás Salvadores Alonso, Director of Internationalization at Rey Juan Carlos University  (URJC), as chair and Prof. Athanasios Zisis, Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs and Lifelong Learning at National Technical University of Athens (NTUA), as co-chair. The elections were held in a partly closed meeting for the Management Board members.

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